Report on violent incidents in Haryana during Jat Agitation ( Attack on some of the medical establishments)
I. Rohtak
Rohtak has been the worst hit. A violent mob of around 10000 anti social agitators armed with weapons like guns, swords, farsas and lathis etc freely moved in the city and caused arson, rioting and extensive destruction of Public Properties. Shops in markets and malls, showrooms, cinema halls, schools and hotels, from Subhash Chowk to Medical College Mor, were looted and set ablaze. Medical Establishments affected in Rohtak are as follows:
1. Narula Diagnostic Centre: run by Dr Arun Narula, immediate Past President IMA Rohtak having the facilities of MRI, CT scan and Ultrasound etc. The Centre has been completely burnt and destroyed.
2. Life-Care Hospital: has been extensively damaged.
3. Medical establishments of Dr Joginder Kadian ( Orthopaedician), Dr SB Siwach, Dr Vinod Malik, Dr. Kapil Sangwan ( Sunflag Hospital) and Dr Satish Gulati ( Bharat Nursing Home) were also attacked but fortunately incurred minor damage.
II. JhajjarShops in the main market Jhajjar were looted and burnt by a violent mob of around 5000 hooligans.
Nursing Home of President IMA Jhajjar Dr Jagmohan Kapoor was also attacked but fortunately incurred minor damage.
III. JindMany shops in main market were looted and damaged by unruly mob.
Neelam Ultrasound Centre and Aastha Hospital Jind were attacked and window panes were broken. The mob also attempted to burn gensets of both these medical centres.
Neelam Ultrasound Centre and Aastha Hospital Jind were attacked and window panes were broken. The mob also attempted to burn gensets of both these medical centres.
IV. HisarSome shops in market were looted and damaged.
1. Nalwa Lab owned by Dr JPS Nalwa, President IMA Hisar was attacked by unruly mob. Window panes of the centre were smashed and his two cars parked outside were also damaged.
2. Lamba Nursing Home at Red Square Market, owned by Dr RS Lamba was also attacked causing damage to furniture and equipment. Fortunately the situation was immediately brought under control.
1. Nalwa Lab owned by Dr JPS Nalwa, President IMA Hisar was attacked by unruly mob. Window panes of the centre were smashed and his two cars parked outside were also damaged.
2. Lamba Nursing Home at Red Square Market, owned by Dr RS Lamba was also attacked causing damage to furniture and equipment. Fortunately the situation was immediately brought under control.
V. KalanaurOn Sunday, 21st February, 2016, a mob comprising around 5000 hooligans attacked the main market of Kalanaur . Almost all shops of main market were brutally looted and set ablaze. Local Police Station was also burnt.
Main Medical Centre of Kalanaur, owned by Dr Satish Chugh was also on the hit list of miscreants but with the grace of God, escaped any damage.
Main Medical Centre of Kalanaur, owned by Dr Satish Chugh was also on the hit list of miscreants but with the grace of God, escaped any damage.
Many Medical Establishments in smaller towns like Kalanaur, Jhajjar, Hansi and safidon etc. are still closed in the aftermath and also due to fear of further possible attack.
Team IMA ( Haryana) vociferously appeal to the Government that the damages caused to Medical Establishments should be promptly and adequately compensated. Those who have committed this heinous crime should be brought to book and stern action should be taken against them under Haryana Medicare Act 2009.
These violent incidents which not only cause damage to National property but also act as a wedge to divide the communities coexisting with harmony and brotherhood.
Dr SS Agarwal, Dr KK Aggarwal
This is published from communication received from IMA.